Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

baikan lagi sama si *****

perasaan baru kemaren gue nulis di blog ini kalo gue musuhan ama dia
eh sekarang gue udah baikan lagi

Yang udah do'ain makasih banget
hoho :ppppp
gue baikan lagi sm dia
walau tadi sms gue gak di bales lagi.
ERGH @____@

sekali lagi

Ciri ciri alay

Kali ini gue mau bahas tentang ALAY
soalnya lagi arada kesel aja ama seseorang yang rada ALAY
ngatain orang lain alay padahal sendirinya alay. pale anggep dia gak alay pula
hadeehh, MALU DONG! HAHA
liat sendiri deh nih

Haha, gimana gue gak ngakak?

blablablabla lah

Alay adalah singkatan dari Anak layangan, Alah lebay, Anak Layu, atau Anak keLayapan yang menghubungkannya dengan anak JARPUL (Jarang Pulang). Tapi yang paling santer adalah anak layangan. Dominannya, istilah ini untuk menggambarkan anak yg sok keren, secara fashion, karya (musik) maupun kelakuan secara umum. Konon asal usulnya, alay diartikan “anak kampung”, karena anak kampung yang rata-rata berambut merah dan berkulit sawo gelap karena kebanyakan main layangan.


* Versi A:
1. Suka banget pake tulisan atau teks yang GedE keCiL-gEdEkeciL
2. Kadang nulis pake angka (Cth: h4!, Gi3 ph4????)
3. Sok bergaya Emo atau Harajuku tapi pas ditanya asalmulanya, gak tau sama sekali
4. Kalo sms atau ngirim komentar memakai bahasa aneh seperti, “aQuWh, maNi3eZz..”
5. Pokoknya gaya rambut si cowok persis kayak Kangen band. (buset dah…)
6. Terlihat memakai postman bag berjenis kulit tapi ga jelas merk dan beli di distro yang mana
7. Kurus kerempeng, suka memegang rambut dan bermuka bokat
8. Beraninya kalo bikin ulah pasti barengan dan gak berani kalo sendirian
9. Sok kaya, sok imut, sok cantik, sok keren, sok gaul, sok techno padahal waktu ditanya kode HTML aja gak bisa
10.Suka melebih-lebihkan serta kangen-band

* Versi B
Alay itu orang kampung yang kampungan dengan dandanan kampungan, ngerti maksud saya? tidak semua orang kampung itu kampungan, contohnya si doel, walaupun namanya berkesan alay tapi karakternya tidak alay. nah orang kampung yang kampungan itu biasa disebut alay.

Perilaku yang tidak mencerminkan dirinya sebagai manusia yang benar, setidaknya berbuat benar. Contohnya : tawuran antar kampung atau antar sma, nongkrong di halte bareng geng alaynya sambil godain cewek, bergerombol di stasiun, di mall jelek, di pasar sambil ngerokok terus bicara dengan nada yang tidak bisa disebut tinggi tapi lebih tepat cempreng sambil ngata2in temen se gengnya dan tentu saja sebagian masih menggoda cewek yang lewat, kalo di bioskop suka nyari perhatian dengan suara cemprengnya komentar gak jelas ketawa berlebihan, dll.

* Versi C

Alay Cowok :
- Cowok2 pengkolan yg berdandan layaknya personel band emo
- Celana melorot, rambut kelimis diponi panjang menyamping, atribut anting2 dan tindik di sana-sini, padahal nggak cocok banget ma tampang.
- Rambut Polem (poni lempar)
- Rambut yang warnanya coklat tanpa di cat, postur badan yang cungkring
- Celana model hipster
- Kolor boxer kemana-mana
- Pake celana kedodoran, atasan jersey hockey palsu lengkap dengan blink2 palsu dan hair net
- Fansnya kangen band, ST12 dan band2 macem kaya gitu and hapal semua lagu2nya

* Versi D
Alay Cewek :
- Pake celana skini warna-warni
- Pake celana skini kotak-kotak
- Tulisan dobel dobel (saiianc, agku, kidta, smuaa, cpe ddeuh..)
- Banyak banget aksesoris di profile FS nya. udah gitu penulisannya huruf gede kecil.
- About me-nya itu looh, sok sok yang “aku ntu imut, aku ntu baik, kata orang sih aku cantik…………”

dan masih banyak tapi gue cape ngetiknya-_-
gila aja suruh ngetik lagi
keribo nih jari!

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Good bye August, and welcome september

udah tanggal 30 aja.
besok 31, besoknya lagi tanggal 1
bulan Alvin lahir
siapa tau dia rayain ultahnya
haha kan bisa ikut jadinya



1. nilai nilai tugas gue makin bagus (amin)
2. gue akur sama temen temen gue
3. yang sombong sama gue gak sombong lagi (ergh)
4. lebih baik dari bulan yang lalu
5. gue jadi lebih pinter (Amin ya Allah)

haha itu aja deh yang lain, nanti nanti aja-_- haha :p

untuk seseorang. Semoga lo merasa

makasih udah mau jadi sahabat gue.
Gue inget banget waktu pertama kali kita ketemu.
iya, di CM.
waktu kelas 3.
Kita ledek ledekan
gue ledekin lo "jessica" Lo ledekin gue "Ale"
pas kelas 4. kita udah kaya gak kenal.
pas kelas 5 gak nyangka banget kita sekelas :')
gue duduk di belakang, trus belakangnya lagi dari lo.
karna di belakang lo ada Rafa sm Diandra.
kita mulai akrab.
trus, gue mulai **** sama lo.
maka itu gue ngedeketin lo, tapi susah banget. Lo selalu cuekin gue.
Sampe akhirnya gue nekat minta nomor Hape lo
trus Lo kasih
tapi nomornya yang lo kasih itu asal asalan
gue mulai kesel sm lo.
tapi rasa kesel itu ilang sendiri
trus gue cerita sm diandra kalo gue **** sama lo
ternyata diandra juga!
kita bikin nama samaran buat lo "junardin" trus pilih lagu kebangsaan "Siapa yang pantas"
gue sm diandra bersaing secara sehat.
karna diandra, gue jadi deket sama lo
trus akhirnya lo minta no hp gue.
Aiwaa, ganyangkaaa.
trus kita smsan
smsannya dari pagi-malem trus lanjut becanda di sekolah pulang sekolah smsan lagi trus lo les gue molor-_-
lo pulang les kita smsan lagi
sambil ngerjain PR
seneeeng banget rasanya, serasa orang yg paling beruntung deh gue.
sampe suatu hari
Lo tuh beda banget, sms dari gue ga di bales kayak gk kenal gitu sama gue.
padahal lo lagi asik asiknya smsan sama **** juga *****
trus sekitar berapa bulan kemudian kita deket lagi, kayak awal pas lo minta no hp gue
gue seneng banget.
Trus tanggal 16 juni 2010 pas gue ultah kakak lo, ka putri telp gue pake hape lo.
bilang kalo lo "****" sama gue.
trs gue jadi akrab sm kakak lo
gue curhat sama kakak lo.
sayangnya kakak lo sekarang udah balik ke pesantren :(
trus sekarang..
Lo kayak dulu lagi
gak bales sms gue
kita udah kayak gakenal banget!
padahal lo anggep gue sahabat.
Sahabat tapi kok kayak ga kenal?
apa lo memperlakukan sahabat lo kayak gitu? tapi kenapa gue doang yang lo cuekin?
semakin hari semakin berubah sifat lo
lo jadi aneh banget deh pokoknya
di sekolah kalo gak gue yang nyapa lo ga nyapa gue. kecuali mau minjem barang
Sedih banget tau gak gue?
Biasanya kan gak kayak gini.
trus lo tiba tiba gitu aja padahal kan gue sm lo lagi gada masalah, jelas gue shock banget!

Gue cuma mau bilang.
makasih udah cuekin gue. asal lo tau gue kesiksa banget.
makasih udah mau hibur gue kalo gue lagi sedih.
sekarang gue ga punya lagi sahaba kayak lo.
Lo udah berubah.
bye :')
gue ga akan lupain lo. Kita emang gak pisah
tapi sifat lo yang bikin persahabatan kita ancur, juga bikin kita kayak mau pisah.

sekali lagi..


Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Sang anak Malang dari kelas 6A

Ehmm kayaknya skrg ini blog lebih pantes di bilang diary yaa haha
maklum kebanyakan tentang masalah gue sehari hari gapapa yee
langsung aja kembali ke Lap?top!

Haha, dari judul aja pasti udah tau dong gimana alur hidupnya?
nama anak itu tuh Rendy Putra Pratama
yap, sahabat cowok gue
biasanya kalo dia lagi shalat terus gue ga shalat *waduh* gue suka ngumpetin sepatunya
terus tadi gue ngumpetin sepatu dia sama Rafa
juga acak acak bukunya, masukin sampah ke tas nya
Gimana ya muka tuh anak besok?
gue usahain ntar gue foto deh haha
biasanya sih besoknya dia anteng anteng ajee
tapi kalo gue tanya "gimana, susah gak cari sepatunya?" lewat sms dia ga bales
marah kali tuh anak
bodo amat lah
besoknya juga bae lagi HAHA
Sumpah, hari ini gue ngerjain dia parah banget, haha.
ngakak deh lo pasti kalo liat langsung.
Segini dulu yak
perut gue sakit ketawa mulu




Maaf gaje, saya lagi tergila gila banget sama RAY!


Adistya noor chandra
ituu nama kakak angkat gue
gue sayaaaanggg banget sama dia
pertama, gue ketemu dia di CB fansite ALVz..
Trus kalo OL pasti kita tuh selalu berduaaaa mulu

Oh iya! Waktu itu gue pernah mimpi Adis ketimpa genteng genteng gitu, trus.. trus..
HUAAA T_T menyedihkan banget.
Untung itu cuma mimpi!
Pas bangun gue langsung nangiss *untung ga ketauan*
trus gue langsung cepet cepet sms adis.
trus nanya ke orang orang yg deket ama diee
dia kemana, soalnya waktu itu gak OL OL di CB
Pas gue nanya ga ada yg jawab
gue sms ga di bales.
telp gada pulsa (_ _")
atau kapannya gitu
eh dia sms gue
HEEEEHHH! Bahagia banget, ketakutan tuh guee
untung ajaaa

Elu nyusahin dis T_T
udh gitu ngobrol ama gue nya nyante gitu
kaga tau apa lu jantung gue ketar ketir

Tapi gapapalah
yang penting gue tetep seneng, bangga, bahagia, jadi adek angkat dia
Unyuuuu :P

Makasih ya nyong udah mau jadi Kakak angkat gueee wuahaha :p.

Sekian, terimakasih.

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010


Hey hey..
Mau tau keseharian gue?
gamau tau?
yaudah gausah baca yg ini yee

Fakta fakta tentang gue:
1. pernah suka sama orang berkacamata (karna baik banget, bukan dari mukanya)
2. kalo pulang sekolah biasanya langsung maen komputer tanpa ganti baju atau makan dulu *aib deh
3. suka kesel sama sahabat tapi nanti bisa deket lagi tanpa di apa apain
4. kalo lagi marah marah suka ngebanting pintu (kenapa ga rumah?)
5. suka banget maen the sims
6. lebih banyak sahabat dari dunia maya dari pada sekolah atau rumah (pada gak bener sih-_-)
7. suka nyanyi nyanyi di depan kaca, tapi kalo di depan manusia malu
8. selalu ngikutin kata kata orang kalo mau bikin suara jadi bagus *hoho*
9. kalo kemana mana selalu bawa HP
10. Jago ngadu bacot haha
11. benci ama orang yg sombong padahal gue juga sering dibilang sombong(?)
12. kalo maen drama suka acting jadi pacarnye alvin ic3 hahaaaaa
13. jarang shalat (Tapi sekarang udah mau sering shalat kok :p hhehehe)
14. benci ama yang suka bikin FB palsu artis!
15. benci sama orang yang pamer!
16. benci sama orang yang mau marah marahin gue tapi ga pake FB alsi (LOSER BANGET TUH)
17. kadang benci ama JB tapi ntar suka lagi *haha
18. suka berantem ama kakak
19. gue itu gampang ngambek. kalo ngambek nya udah parah gue bisa bilang "Gue gak mau temenan ama lo sebelom di Indonesia turun salju!!"
20. Gue itu paling benci ama temen gue yang suka nge copy style gue

Sekarang biodata yah :D

Nama: Jenny Hermanto
Nama panggilan: Jenny/Jejen/Jennot
TTL: Jakarta, Rabu, 16 Juni 1999
Hobby: Nyanyi, menulis, baca, browsing, smsan, mencari sahabat *ciee*
Citacita: Musisi atau gak Penyanyi hoho :p

Segitu aja yaaaaah ente gaperlu tahu banyak! :PPPP

OKAY! yang udah baca, thanks yaaaaaa :D

Connie Talbot :*

Versi Indonesia:

Mari kita berkenalan dengan penyanyi cilik bersuara emas asal Inggris ini, Connie Talbot. Gadis cilik yang usianya baru menginjak 8 tahun ini merupakan jebolan dari reality show Britain’s God Talent pada 2007 lalu.
Di usianya yang masih dini, Connie mampu memukau banyak kalangan pecinta musik, termasuk produser dan pencari bakat Simon Cowell dengan vokal khas anak-anaknya yang murni, namun mampu menjangkau nada-nada tinggi dan menyanyikan lagu orang dewasa dengan sangat baik.
Lebih hebatnya lagi, gadis asal West Midlands, Inggris ini memiliki suara indah tanpa les vokal atau musik. Cowell menyebutnya sebagai ‘keajaiban yang murni’. Dia juga disebut-sebut sebagai The Next Charlotte Church.
Album perdananya yang bertitel “Over The Rainbow” rilis pada November 2007 berhasil terjual lebih dari 250,000 kopi di seluruh dunia, sebuah pencapaian yang besar untuk album anak.

Connie Talbot

                                                                                         Foto: Yiphing

Meskipun usianya masih kecil, Connie berani menyanyikan cover version dari lagu beberapa musisi ternama, diantaranya lagu klasik “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” yang dinyanyikan Judy Garland, “Imagine” milik John Lennon, “Ben”milik Michael Jackson, dan “Three Little Birds” milik Bob Marley yang dijadikan single andalan di album perdananya ini.

Kepiawaiannya dalam mengolah vokal bisa kita dengarkan lewat lagu romantis yang dipopulerkan Whitney Houston ini, “I Will Always Love You”. Meskipun belum bisa menyanyikan dengan kualitas seorang diva seperti Whitney, kemampuan vokalnya patut diacungi jempol. 

Pecinta musik pop romantis pasti akan merasakan sensasi tersendiri saat mendengar lagu yang pernah menjadi soundtrack film “The Bodyguard” ini dinyanyikan seorang gadis cilik bersuara polos. Jadi, nikmati saja suguhan musik dari Connie ini! 

Connie Talbot

Versi Inggris:

Connie Talbot (born 20 November 2000) is an English child singer from StreetlyMetropolitan Borough of WalsallWest Midlands. She rose to fame in 2007 when she reached the final of the television talent show Britain's Got Talent, where she lost to Paul Potts. Talbot was supposed to sign with Sony BMG but the label pulled out of the deal due to her age.
Talbot signed with Rainbow Recording Company and released her debut album Over the Rainbow in the UK on 26 November 2007. The album was re-released 18 June 2008 with a new track listing, and the first single from the album, a cover of Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds", was released on 10 June. Her third album was released as Connie Talbot's Holiday Magic, October 13 2009 in the United States[2] and as Connie Talbot's Christmas Magic, 30 November 2009 in the UK[3]. Songs from Over the Rainbow are to be featured in an upcoming video game about Talbot.
Despite its negative critical reception, Over the Rainbow has sold over 250,000 copies worldwide and reached number one in three countries. Since the initial album release, Talbot has performed publicly and on television in Europe, the U.S. and across Asia, where her music had gained recognition through YouTube. Her second album, Connie Talbot's Christmas Album, was released on 24 November 2008; her third, Holiday Magic, was released in late 2009. On top of her musical career, Talbot continues to attend primary school and lives in Streetly with her family.




Britain's Got Talent and Sony BMG

Talbot initially auditioned for the first series of television reality show Britain's Got Talent for fun, but her confidence increased when Simon Cowell, whom she is said to have idolised,[4] described her as "pure magic" and said that he would make her earn "£1 million-plus this year".[4] The judges expected a "joke" performance and she had never taken singing lessons, but Talbot's initial performance received international press coverage.[5] She reached the final round after winning her semi-final with a live performance of "Ben" by Michael Jackson.[6] On the night of the final, she sang The Wizard of Oz's "Over the Rainbow", but lost to Paul Potts as a result of the call-in vote.[7][8] Talbot and Potts had been joint favourites to win the series.[9][10]
Talbot during the recording of "Smile" for Sony BMG
According to journalist and Britain's Got Talent judge Piers Morgan, Talbot's performances resulted in many children, including Faryl Smith, auditioning for the second series of the show.[11] After his victory, Series 2 winner George Sampson spoke of his participation in the first series, where he was knocked out before the live shows, saying "I don't think I had any shot of winning last year ... When you look at the standard of Paul Potts and Connie Talbot. Paul Potts is out of this league, and Connie is out of this league - I wasn't good enough."[12] Talbot voted for Sampson, saying "I liked his dancing - he was good on the lamppost".[13]
Cowell had preliminarily agreed to sign Talbot with his own record label, Sony BMG. After recording two songs in London with Talbot ("Over the Rainbow" and "Smile"[4]), the label pulled out of the deal.[14]Talbot's mother, Sharon, said she was told that her daughter "...was too young to be their sort of artist", adding "We have been told to look for a company which looks after children."[15][16] In a statement, the label said "there was some deliberation over the possibility of recording with Connie ... However, the decision not to proceed was made with the best intentions for Connie, taking into consideration her age and that it would not be right to do so at this time."[15] Cowell himself said that "when the time is right, [he would] be delighted to see if [they could] make it work".[15] The Talbot family decided to search for another label, saying "while [Talbot] loves what she's doing it would be cruel to stop her. Fame and money will never matter."[4]

Over the Rainbow

In October 2007 Talbot signed with the Rainbow Recording Company for a six-figure deal.[16] Rainbow Recording Company, an offshoot of record label Rhythm Riders made specifically for Talbot,[4] was due to release Talbot's first album on 26 November 2007.[16] It was later reported that the album was named Over the Rainbow, and the first single, "Over the Rainbow"/"White Christmas", would be released on 3 December 2007.[4] Experts predicted that she had a good chance of getting the Christmas number one,[4][16] but the single was cancelled in favour of an album-first release.[17] Before the album was released, there was much speculation about Talbot and the album, with music experts describing her as potentially being "the next Charlotte Church".[18]
Talbot during the recording session of Over the Rainbow on 12 October 2007
The team behind the album consisted of John Arnison, who also managed Gabrielle and Billy Ocean, and Marc Marot, former managing director of Island Records.[4] It was produced and mixed by Simon Hill and Rob May.[19] Arnison revealed that he and his team "are not going to give [Talbot] singing lessons – we don't need to", and said that when he met Talbot, he was "blown away".[20] A schedule was worked out allowing Talbot to continue with her normal school activities while recording the album in her aunt Vicky's spare bedroom, which her mother described as "a better solution [than Sony BMG offered] which has not robbed her of her childhood".[4] Although Arnison claimed he did not "want to put her through the promotional grind which most artists go through because she is too young", plans were made for an appearance on daytime television programme This Morning, as well as an appearance on Children in Needon 16 November 2007.[4] The album was released on 26 November 2007 and Talbot's mother said that "All the family is really excited, but Connie is quite blase about it."[21] The album was certified gold in early December,[22] with Talbot being presented a gold disc by Phillip Schofield on This Morning.[23] Initially, 50,000 copies of the album were pressed, but an additional 120,000 had to be made after the album sold out in days.[23]
In late 2007, public appearances by Talbot included headlining the Great Bridge Christmas and Winter Festival, which local police threatened to cancel unless crowds clamouring to reach the tent in which Talbot was performing could be brought under control.[22] At the event, on 7 December 2007, Talbot said "I love it here, it’s brilliant, really fun", but had to be ushered off-stage by the police.[22] Talbot performed publicly in Walsall's HMV store, and in Birmingham's Centenary Square.[24] TV appearances included GMTV andChannel 5 news, both on 26 November 2007.[24] According to her mother, Talbot has received offers for film roles. Sharon said "[Talbot]'s been sent a script, I haven't had a good look at it yet but it's really exciting ... Connie's a singer, not an actress, so we'll see what happens. It's completely up to her whether or not she wants to do it. I can't believe it, though."[22]
Sharon Mawer of Allmusic praised Over the Rainbow by saying "She can sing, for a seven year old, and most of the notes (if not all of them) are in the right order and sung to the right pitch; the timing is fine too".[25] However, she criticised the album, saying "there's no feeling, no emotion, no realization of what each song is about; they're just pretty little songs", giving the album 2/5.[25] Nick Levine, of Digital Spy, said in a review of the album that Talbot had a "sweet, pure voice", but that there is "no nuance or depth to her performance".[26] However, he said that "There's something inherently wrong about awarding a star rating to a seven-year-old", and that "the decidedly adult concept of musical merit should have nothing to do with [her music]", awarding the album 2/5.[26]
The album was rereleased on 16 June 2008,[27] but was available for pre-order in May, with three new tracks to replace its Christmas-themed songs.[28][29][30] The first single from the album, "Three Little Birds", was released in June 2008, and a video for the song was shot in Jamaica.[27] In April and May 2008, Talbot toured Asia to promote Over the Rainbow.[31] Asian press attributed her success to her videos onYouTube, with the Sun.Star mentioning that her most viewed video had been watched over 14 million times,[30] and The Straits Times saying that videos of Talbot's performances have been watched over 30 million times.[31] The tour made stops in South KoreaTaiwanHong Kongand Singapore, and Talbot and her family returned to England in late May.[32] Following the tour, it was reported that the album had reached number one on the charts in Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong,[27][32] as well as reaching number three in Singapore.[32] After the tour, Talbot traveled to Poland, where she performed on television.[13]
In August 2008, it was announced that Talbot had signed a contract with Data Design Interactive for production of a video game on the Wiiconsole. The game will feature 15 songs from Over the Rainbow, allowing players to sing along with a computer-generated image of Talbot or against other players in a karaoke mode.[33][34] Talbot has rerecorded the album for the game, but there are other elements that need to be completed.[35] The game was scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2009,[36] and is called Connie Talbot: Over the Rainbow.[37] It was also revealed that Over the Rainbow was due for release in America in September,[33] resulting in attention from American press sources including Fox Business Network and MarketWatch.[38][39] The U.S. version was eventually released on 14 October,[40] with Talbot appearing on American television shows including The Ellen DeGeneres Show to publicise the release.[36]

Christmas Album and Holiday Magic

In November 2008, it was announced that Talbot had produced a series of new songs for an album.[41] Recorded in her bedroom studio,Connie Talbot's Christmas Album was released on 24 November.[42] It is a Christmas themed album,[42] featuring, according to Talbot's official website, "a mix of classics and modern Christmas tunes".[41] News was also released of a one-off Christmas special to be shown onITV1 in the days leading up to Christmas, featuring footage of Talbot's journey to America and a "secret concert" at her primary school.[43]The documentary, Christmas with Connie, was shown on ITV Central on 18 December.[37] Talbot appeared at Walsall's HMV branch shortly after the release of her Christmas Album to sign copies and meet fans.[44] She then embarked on a promotional tour making stops around the world, which included a performance at Ewha Womans University in Korea,[45] and a performance on the A Heart for Children television charity gala in Berlin, Germany.[46] She returned home in mid December, to have "a quiet family Christmas".[47] There are plans for a promotional trip to the U.S. in 2009.[48]
Connie Talbot's Christmas Album was difficult to obtain in Britain after the distributor, Pinnacle Entertainment, went into administration. Talbot's mother, Sharon, was quoted as saying "We don't really know what's going to happen at the moment ... We think they'll probably wait and promote the album later this year. It's a shame, but they can still get the album in Asia and the US."[48] Reviewing the album forFemaleFirst magazine, Ruth Harrison gave it 4/5, saying that Talbot has "a great voice when it comes to swing, but lets us down in parts".[49]
In April 2009, Talbot again travelled to the U.S. in order to publicise her new single, a cover of "I Will Always Love You". The single was released in the U.S. on 7 April, along with a newly recorded "You Raise Me Up".[50] Talbot then travelled to the U.S. on 30 April, and returned on the 2 May.[51] Appearances included a performance on Good Day New York on Fox Broadcasting Company's WNYW.[52] The single peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Sales.[53]
Talbot's third album, Connie Talbot's Holiday Magic, was released on October 20, 2009 in the United States and on November 30, 2009 in theUnited Kingdom. The United States album is dedicated to the Toys for Tots campaign, of which Talbot has been named the child ambassador.[54] In a statement, Bill Grein, Vice President of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, said-
The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is extremely proud and excited to have Connie as our youngest ambassador ever ... She is the perfect person to inform the public of the millions of less fortunate children who may be overlooked this Christmas holiday season, unless people step up to donate a toy or make a cash contribution. Her angelic looks and voice will remind everyone of the innocence of children. And they all deserve to experience the magic of the holiday season! I hope she sells lots of CDs and raises a lot of money and awareness for our children.[54]

Yang versi inggris baca sono ampe mata bengkak-_-haha
panjang banget yee

okRAY segitu aje yee